bought "HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HOLLOWS" when i booked out couple of weeks ago.. managed to read half of e book in a single day before i booked in again on sunday. didn't book out for the past 2 weeks because of field camp. first 2 days of field camp was demoralising because of e damned rain. i hate to sleep in the basha because there isn't much space inside to pack ur stuff. spent 2 bloody days in that stupid tent before moving camp Fibua. spent e rest of field camp in Fibua sleeping in e open. the moonlight was bright. the sky was so clear i could see e stars at night. i enjoy sleeping in e open better. the ground was much cooling. on the 2nd night at Fibua we had to dig our trenches. rectangular trenches which reminds everyone of graves, so it was like digging our own graves. i took time to dig mine nicely. make sure e base of e trench was flat. dun wanna sleep on lumpy ground. field camp was quite fun but very exhausting.