My dad bought my grandpa a walking stick. My grandpa got kinda annoyed.
"Buy me walking stick for what? I cannot walk myself? Go use it for yourself."
"I can walk myself. This one buy for you to use one."
My grandpa told my granny to throw it into the storeroom, said he don't want to see it. So damn funny!
*the above conversation was in Teochew and I suck at dialects, so it was a loose translation of what I understood.
Watched "International" at cine last night, midnight show. The show suck! Almost fell asleep. I AM NEVER GOING TO PARK AT THE OPEN AIR CARPARK OPPOSITE CINE AGAIN! The freaking birds dun sleep! From 10.00pm to 1.45am, they dropped lotsa shit on my car. Can birds sleep and poop at the same time? Spent $7 for the car wash. Waste my money considering I just washed it last week...
Guess who I saw outside the toilet of Butter Factory?
I asked Cecilia if that was Fiona cus I was quite high already. I didn't get all star strucked though, just approached her and asked, "Hey Fiona, can I take a picture with you?" Took the pic and shook her hand and told her it was nice meeting her, then I walked off.
Actually I have seen her a few times before at Zouk but never thought of doing anything. Anyway she's much prettier in person.
SO DAMN BORED! Played L4D like half the afternoon. Meeting Sandra and Cecilia later at about 11pm. Didn't want to club but I'm too bored and awake, besides I'll probably be clubbing again this coming Wednesday.
I will be "income-less" in a couple of months time. How to survive? How to supplement my playtime?
Feeling pretty shitty right now. Never felt like this for a long long time. Going to the airport to fetch my parents later, they just spent 10 days holidaying in China.
Sometimes you know there are somethings you shouldn't do, but you just cannot help it. Some feelings you just cannot contain. If you put a lid on it, it will just overflow.
I was at Butter Factory on Friday night with YF and Vic. Starting was quite fun, but it got damn boring after that.
We were dancing and beside us there were these 3 girls, one of them was wasted and she keep falling onto us. Her friend kept apologising to us. Later, she asked us how old we are, suddenly the drunk friend reached over and slapped me haha. She also bit YF on his chest. LOL! After that we didn't see them, they probably left.
Some asshole called my mum and told her I was kidnapped (I was in Sungei Gedong Camp at that time). They wanted to scam her of money. Scared the hell out of her, until she called me to confirm I was safe.
Some problems at work with the duty list. Bloody ass wanted to siam duty, and let others do it for him. I told him off because it pissed me off too much. Life is damn screwed up right now, and probably for the next few weeks too.